Trying Not to Impress Others as a Stress Relief Remedy

Let’s talk about one thing that most women have in common – the need to impress others. The wish to impress others with any means brings a lot of stress in daily life. Women sometimes do even impossible things for this and begin to feel exhausted and depressed day by day.

As human beings we are all unique, but women are more sensitive than men and they have to cope with more challenges throughout their life journey. They accumulate more daily stressors and often feel depressed and overloaded. Women want to impress others, so that to be appreciated and valued by their family members and beloved ones. They need to be perfect and do everything in life in the best possible way. They must be extraordinary, but this is not easy, especially when life treats them badly. Being always right and impressing others is a big challenge and we need time and private space to figure out that in fact it does not serve us well.

Since the beginning of 2013 many things have changed and we have trained ourselves to get aligned with the new life conditions, if we want to use these incredible opportunities of living in peace and joy. We are now living at a space with accelerated processes and twice shorter time. After the Planetary Shift we have to refresh our mindset and attitude to life if we want to be fully present here now. Impressing others is not a big deal. Doing the changes that life triggers you to deal with, is the only way to stay aligned in this new stage of Mother Earth’s evolution. I know how ridiculous this sounds for some people, but as the Planet shifts we have to make our own shifts too.

Everything changes in the Universe and we have to change ourselves too in order to be fully present and truly being ourselves now. I know what I am talking about, because I had to do some of these changes for myself. It is not easy, moreover, it is a long-lasting process, but we can start right now with making the first small steps in this direction. Start being your true self instead of playing roles in order to impress others or just comparing yourself with anybody else. This is the only way to become authentic, which will empower you back and you will become a master of your life.

Forget not that you are the only one who matters in your life and that you are the most important person in your environment. People are attracted only by a person who is authentic and not pretending to be someone else. So, it is good for you to set up your life priorities in a non persistent way. The truth is that people around you will not impressed whatever you might do, if they feel that you are false to yourself or to them. Remember the application of the mirror theory and use it at every thought and feeling you have throughout the day.

So, how can we deal with the need to impress others?

1. Review one life situation and try not to act in it toward impressing others.

2. Be more aware of how you think and feel about yourself throughout the day.

3. Each time when you catch yourself for trying to impress someone else, say mentally this:”I cancel it and from now own I am going to impress nobody else but myself!”

Do this practice for at least 21 days and see the changes, which will occur in your life. Right now it is time for you to act, if you want to live a better and happier life. Remember that making small and conscious efforts is the path to life mastery. Changing yourself day by day, you change also the world to a better place for living, because we are all interconnected and affect each other, no matter if we are aware of this or not.

You can read more relevant information in my eBook "How to practice the lesson of BYBV". You can download the eBook for free right now!
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Category: Stress Management