The Top 7 Methods Women Can Use To Release Fear And Daily Stress
If you’re like most people who want to eliminate fear and reduce stress in life, your goal is simple: you want to overcome your personal barriers and limiting beliefs that are holding you back. You want to realize your highest potential and be happy and contented in life. And you know that you are not the only one with such purpose in life. There are many people across the world, just like you who are waking up and making steps towards a more harmonious and fulfilled conscious life. But why do some of these ‘lucky’ people experience deep life-changes – while you might still be wrestling with financial needs, health challenges, unfulfilled potentials, and unpredictable peaks and plateaus in your professional and personal life? This is really what makes the difference between consciously evolved and consciously stuck.
Now I know that if you are reading this article you have already made commitment with yourself for positive changes in your life towards future success and that is awesome. I am writing to you because I have recently summarized these top 7 mistakes which are frequently admitted when we try to cope with fear and stress – being aware of the traps along the way and avoiding them will guarantee the success. I can assure you that this has brought good results in my life, so you can try it too and see how it works for you.
1. Be your authentic self. To find and express your authenticity is very liberating.
Remember that you are great just the way you are. The way you think about yourself determines the way you look like and feel. What if you are magnificent just as you are having enough, resources right here now? The words you use can be descriptive of the real you and the real person within everyone. Words are power. They are the energy you generate in the universe. Positive words help you to raise the vibrations and bring abundance into life. According to the frequency scale of emotions fear and guilt are at the bottom meaning that they have very low vibrations. Love, joy and peace on the other hand have a much higher vibrational status. Where your attention goes, your energy flows. In other words, what you focus on, grows, expands and gets realized.
The Law of Attraction works no matter if you believe in it or not.
If you can raise your vibration to be in line with what you truly want, than you can attract anything that you want into your life. It means that you have to experience the desired state of love, peace, abundance, happiness, etc. as if it is real for you now. But often you cannot fulfill your intents and dreams, because you operate most of the time like as a victim and of the circumstances and situations in life, while at the same time you have the opportunity and choice to become their master. When you understand what your core values are than it is much easier to live and experience your authentic you. Values are the drives and motivators that provide you with the energy you need nevertheless you are aware of them or not.
Discover your core values first and then set your goals in life.
The use of powerful positive thoughts gives you a great power to control fear and stress. “I AM … “is the highest vibrational denomination for a human being. It is also very important which words you will put to fill in the dots. Expressing love and gratitude brings abundance into life. You vibrate on a higher level and the Universe gives you more and more. The Law of Attraction means that you attract more of the same frequency and vibration. Believe me or not it is less probable to receive what the Universe wants to give you if you are out of balance struggling with all your stress triggers and fears all the time.
Journaling will assist you in discovering and becoming the authentic person you are intended to be. Also authenticity and personal power are closely linked. Write down in your journal all that you want to be starting with the “I AM…” completing the sentences with positive words. Read them aloud every night 5 min before you go to sleep. Do this for a period of 1-3 weeks. 21 days is the best option because you set up enough time to generate a new habit of raising your self-esteem and self-trust, reducing stress, anger and fear.
2. Maintain positive self-talk or better stop chatting with yourself all the time.
Your internal dialogue or self-talk deep inside you is mostly negative than positive. You are not born to criticize yourself or others. But most of us did this almost all the time. Life is never as perfect or as bad as you expect it to be and this discrepancy brings all the complications we have to deal with. You have a lot of expectations as you create mental pictures of what life should or should not be, how you should or should not look like, how you should or should not do your job, etc. You create long lists of positive and negative expectations, which almost never match fully into the real life and your attitude to the events, people and situations is important. Then, you continue chatting with yourself nearly all the time. Negative self-talk sabotages you, while positive self-talk can support your efforts. But as a whole, all these internal dialogues unnoticeably steal from your energy and increase fear and stress in your daily life. Being unable to accept aging, anxiety, worry, anger and any other negative emotion brings your vibrations down and you begin to feel miserable, exhausted and overwhelmed.
Write down in on a sheet of paper or in a notebook all your negative thoughts throughout the day and look at them before you go to bed replacing them with positive ones. Read the new positive sentences and contemplate on them. This creates the habit to see more positive things in life and notice the good sides almost in every person and situation.
3. Do always your best.
Try to give and do the best you can at all times. This will reduce your stress and subconscious fears in all areas of life. I do not mean to be perfect, but strive to be perfect, have your high ideal and act accordingly. Perfection is not equal to doing your best at every given moment – the way to perfection is infinite and we follow it step by step. But at every stage you can certainly try to do your best and perform at your 100% at that time: thus you will easily introduce improvements in all areas of your life: at job, in daily activities, relationships with family and friends. The way you operate with things in life is the energy you put out in the Universe. The Universe responds and brings more positive and better energy back into your life in return. This way you generate abundance in life. Remember that the Universe exists in a state of abundance and balance. There is not a lack of anything in Nature. You are not meant to suffer and struggle for survival, living in stress and fears all the time.
Be consciously aware and awake in life and do not go on auto-pilot. Being on the right track helps you to have clear intents, make good decisions and realize your wishes – as a result, new opportunities will come and the fluent flow of events itself will reduces stress and life control in a natural way.
4. Take not anything in personal. Every being is a unique universe.
Learn to identify what brings you vibrations down and what drains you of your energy. Your diet, environment and atmosphere, the level of your self-esteem and performance, your body image, and health condition the people you come in touch with, all this influences your energy. Do not take any of these things in personal and learn how to charge your body with energy and how to feel well in any situation or condition in life.
People are different and they think in a different manner.
Their behavior is not your problem. They think, feel, speak and act according to their value systems and behavior patterns, which should not bother you at all, as everyone has free will and freedom of choice which should be respected. People are not in your head and heart, if you do not allow them to be. They are not in your body either. Their manner and temper could be quite different from yours. Do not think that they want to make harm to you and they do it always on purpose.
In a stressful situation start breathing deeply for a minute or two. Thus you will calm your mind and physical body and you will see or feel more clearly the lesson and guidance for you. Just focus on the inhale and exhale and stay open and receptive.
5. Be ready to accept and do change.
You are often blocking by yourself what you want to realize and achieve. One of the ways you do this is by reluctance to change and refusing to let go of old thought and behavior patterns, unhealthy habits and bad attitudes, unconstructive beliefs and destructive desires. You have resistance to change, because you must to go out of your comfort zone and that is not always easy and pleasant. But change is motion and motion is life. Life is always in motion offering us new challenges and opportunities for development and growth. There is no more constant thing in life than change. So, everything changes and we have to be more receptive and flexible with all these changes unfolding in our life being also aware of their cyclic nature and rhythm. Maybe it is time now to set up your intention to evaluate your ideas and beliefs, your feelings and wishes, your fears and stress triggers asking yourself whether they serve you well. How would it be, if you could take well directed focused action and get actual results, instead of feeling terrified or stuck by confusion and uncertainty?
Turn your life around one day at a time. Try to be focused only for an hour daily. Exercise concentration. Try to identify your daily stress triggers in common and avoid them. For this purpose write them down without criticizing or judging them. Schedule the time when you will review them and to see what changes you have taken and you will take to overcome them.
6. Make not any assumptions.
Assumptions are equal to problems. Just stop thinking for a while, empty your mind of thoughts and calm it down. If you do not try to explain how things are and how you suppose them to be, you can facilitate their enfoldment in a very gentle way. Enjoy the present moment. Free yourself from the weight of the past and the dread of the future because all the power is in the present moment and all is happening NOW. Ask and ask again for clarification, if you are not sure what someone has said or is saying. Do not guess on anything and do not speak of anything, if you have not checked the facts.
Just be on the flow. Be here now and keep your journal of gratitude which will help you to focus on the abundance you have here and right now. Remember it is all about your life and you are the most important person in it.
7. Listen more and speak less.
Listen to your intuition. It provides your guidance and protection system. You are more than your logical mind. Not everything can be explained with logic. There are miracles out there in the Universe and they can come into your life, if you allow them to by mastering the art of listening and surrender. Calm your mind down and be the silent observer. Just observe what is going around without reaction, judgment or assessment, and listen to hear the small still voice from within – trying also to make connection with your Higher Self, Feel and see the Divine spark that is illuminating your beautiful inner world. When I follow my intuition everything goes well. But it is not easy to identify and follow your intuition, when you are stressed, tired, confused or scared
Start breathing deeply for a minute. Listen to your inner voice. Allow your inner voice to be heard. Though it is very gentle and quiet in silence you can catch it . Write down what your intuition whispers you. There always is an answer when you have a question. Calm your mind down, let your thoughts pass and go, then just listen to the silence. At some time the answer will come and surprise you. Just write it down on a piece of paper and listen again. If you follow this guidance and apply the above methods in short time you will see that your life is improving. Fears, confusions and stress situations will significantly decrease and you will be able to really enjoy your life journey and have some fun, too.
Category: Stress Management