The Top 3 Things Women Have To Think About When They Are Under Stress

In working with women for many years I have found that stress is the biggest issue they have to struggle with if they want balanced and happy life. It is difficult for women to find balance between masculine and feminine sides, between the spiritual and material, between the personal needs and those of our employers, children, partners and partners. Instead of acknowledging how much we have achieve as workers, daughters, mothers or wives we feel guilty when we don’t meet others expectations. Although women are more flexible trying to accomplish all these duties they usually end up feeling exhausted and over stressed – to many things to do and no time to embrace their own needs. I am not exception of this but I have found my solution. When I return home after a stressful day I stop for a moment and take a few deep breaths before going inside the house. I found out that all women think pretty much the same way and struggle with similar problems. There are some simple things that work for me reducing my daily stress.

There are 3 things that can help to keep you on the right track in life when stress triggers are all everywhere around us.

1. Comfort in life.

Many times we want everything to be perfect. We have many expectations of what things should or should not look like and when things are going wrong we feel stressed and tired. Not being able to set your own boundaries is one part of the problem. Knowing your priorities is very useful and it helps reducing stress and finding your balance. It is important to have a positive attitude and when we do our daily activities because the way we think makes all the difference. Fulfillment life has joy and happiness, it is life with peace. Comfort gives us base level of security and helps us to accept everything we meet in our life journey.

2. Self-acceptance and self-love

To be in peace with yourself means to accept every single part of you without judging and criticizing. We all need to be this good and perfect person we are supposed to be but there are different situations in life that triggers out different parts within us. Many times we try to hide these shadow sides in order to get accepted or proved. I did struggled with these issues for long time and I found out that the simple truth to integrate each part of you is to accept all your positives and negatives. Self- acceptance means that you honor and respect yourself just the way you are. Self-acceptance leads to self-appreciation and self-love. There are two main moments that we suffer due to low self- esteem. Many times we please others more than our self just to get their approval, to be needed and valued that we are good. The truth is that deeply inside you know -it’s all is a ‘role’ which build up more stress and take your life out of control.

The other big stress for women is relationship. We all need to be loved, to be happy and respect. Many times due to a fear of loosing the loved one we give our identity just .to keep him with us. Many of us feel great when being alone but in a relationship or in a presence of partner we loose ourselves. In case like that we need to set good boundaries without feeling guilty or uncomfortable. Some of us go even further- they give up friends, job or career just because of the attachment to their partner. This is one more reason for us to learn how to love our self in a better way and than our life will improve in every area. I have some mentors that have influenced me over the years. One of them is Tanya and she continues to show me what self-love is and how this helps me to be unique instead of perfect.

3. Significance and self-regulation.

Significance means state of quality. Quality is a state of being in spite of defects. As I already mention above women want to be and act as perfect human beings. The truth is that we already are perfect from the day we were born till the day we die. Our mission is to love and contribute to a better world. We are as good as we think we are. It is important how we accept our self and the way we look. We all make an image of the way how we should look, behave and cooperate with others. This inner image corresponds to our self-esteem. Women want confidence, respect of and by others and life achievements but sometimes the image they hold deep inside blocks them from achieving their goals. Think of every person, situation or feeling as a mirror of your self-esteem. This is the way how the other people see you too. There is a universal low that states “like attracts like”. We all are under its power no matter if we want it or not. Significance can be your natural state of being if you want to reduce or eliminate triggers in daily life.

Self –regulation is will-power to overcome every obstacle on your road.
Self-regulation means awareness and consciousness to handle situations in life.
Self-confidence is trust in your own abilities to deal with life challenges.

The more self-confident you are the most powerful things you attract into your life. After many years of researches I discovered some simple things to reduce stress with. The end result is that I feel happier and much more energized and I truly hope that they will work for you too.

Here are some actions you can take in order to reduce stress on a daily basis. They are simple and they give quick results. Your stress recovery is fast and all you need is just a little time to do them all or one by one. Here are the three most powerful stress releasers in order of their significance and impact.

1. Have a tab.
2. Have a massage.
3. Go dancing.

Now is the right time to take action. Write down the one thing you would like to do to reduce stress and to give your energy back into life. Mark on your calendar that one thing that resonates most with you and take time to do it.

You can read more relevant information in my eBook "How to practice the lesson of BYBV". You can download the eBook for free right now!
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Category: Stress Management