A Simple Technique that Helps Release Your Daily Stress
Let’s talk about how to overcome anger, anxiety and stress on a daily basis in order to live a better and more abundant life. Finding a simple practical way for yourself will help you live joyfully and unfold your true potential.
We are here on a mission and we have our own place in the Universe; so it is crucial for us to understand that if we enjoy our journey on the planet Earth, we can live in peace and success and we can also contribute through our inborn talents to a better and harmonious world; thus helping our planet to go up in its evolution in the 5th dimensional live conditions.
We all have purpose in life and our different unique gifts and qualities are meant to facilitate humanity on its way ahead on the spiral of evolution. Therefore, we have to cope with our daily stressors, anger and anxiety in a certain way, which will help us to attune ourselves to the new core values and standards we all encounter after the planetary shift in 2012.
The new world is the world of the “we” reality where we are all connected and bounded with the frequency of Love. Love is the vibration which is set up by default to our body cells and we are born to be in alignment to it and to express real happiness and joy in life.
We are not mean to struggle with different stressors and we can resolve all out problems through the expressions of pure Love. We usually rule our lives by our logical mind and often try to please others in order to be appreciated and loved by our family and closest friends but it is obvious that this is the wrong way to follow because we gain more stress and anger, anxiety and depression than usual.
We are now living in a new world and have to accept the new conditions of life, so we have to change our attitude if we want to live in peace and harmony according to the new Cosmic order we all encounter.
Being a very logically oriented person, I have struggled a lot with my addiction to perfectionism. But at some point I had to stop struggling and revise my entire life from a new perspective – that of inner silence and peace. In that state you can experience that very subtle feeling deep inside your guts that tells you to stop the rush and observe what changes you need to make in order to attune yourself to the new upcoming world.
Life is like a chain made by all those small changes you make during your personal journey in order to be connected with the energy of motion that surrounds us everywhere. So, if you have some challenges and difficulties to handle with, you have to find your way to resolve them and move forward.
As to me, I have found out my way to get rid of my daily stressors, anger and anxiety and will be glad to share it with you here. Every time I feel stressed or have the gut feeling that something is not the way I would like it to be, I imagine a golden bubble around my body and put all my stressors, anger and anxiety in it. Then I visualize how that bubble of reality goes into the Cosmic field and transforms into a white brightly sparkling light and all its stuff transforms and then comes back to me with the Energy Of All That Is which is the base foundation of the entire information field we all live in.
These new energy comes back into my reality and brings me new opportunities and all I need to implement and use at the present moment as well as in a long run in order to attune myself to the Cosmic field and be in an alignment with it: and this is the path to follow, if you want to be centered and balanced ruling your life from your heart: and expanding your heart energy you can connect to everyone and everything through this energy of sincere love which is the universal substance of the big information field we all encounter.
By simply releasing and letting go of all negative and stressful things that no longer serve you and putting them into a golden bubble of Light to be transformed by the Powerful Cosmic Energy Field will help you not only to cope with your negative emotions, thoughts and actions, with all daily stressors and uncomfortable situations or difficult relationships in life, but will also bring you back that transformed white sparkling energy, which you can use creatively in your reality. This simple but powerful practice will give you new wonderful opportunities and unique chances in life.
Remember that transformations take time and sometimes they are longer lasting processes, so you have to be patient and persistent in your daily practices. Also, you need to do them in a focused conscious way if you want to achieve all you want from life.
Right now is the time for you to start practicing this simple 15 min technique regularly in order to reduce your daily stress and create the life of your dreams. Try to do it for at least 21 days in sequence and see what new things will come into you surroundings. Be open minded to see how your entire world will change when you transform your energy in such a powerful and unique way, the way that helps you to become the real master of your own journey and a life co-creator.
Category: Stress Management