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Questioning yourself can Help you Reduce your Daily Stress

Let’s talk about how by knowing your life purpose you will feel a worthy and precious person and that awareness itself will reduce your daily stress and will support you to be on the flow. The response to the question why you were born here on the planet Earth will guide you to the truth […]

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One Helpful Thing for Releasing your Daily Stress

Let’s talk about how different and unique we are as human beings so that there is perhaps a specific way for everyone to release their daily stress and tension. Therefore, you may use different tips and methods and in different proportion and combination every day in order to find out what works best for you […]

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A Simple Practice that Helps Release the Daily Stress

Let’s talk about how you can reduce the daily stress by using simple tips, so that you can live a happy and abundant life. As you perhaps already know the Cosmic energies have considerably changed since 2012 and we have to learn how to use them for co-creating new life conditions allowing us to be […]

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