One Simple Practice Can Easily Reduce the Daily Stress
Let’s talk about how by using simple tips you can reduce your daily stress in a very simple and natural way.
We all know that our modern life is overabundant with stress, so it is highly recommendable to figure out how to get rid of it on a daily basis.
The most powerful practices that work best in life are the simplest ones, so finding your own unique way to release the daily stress will result in living a better and more prosperous life and enjoying your journey on the planet Earth.
I had to face many challenges and transformations during my life journey so far and handled each one of them in a different way depending on my state of awareness, but I noticed that there had always been a simple tip that worked best for me each time when things went wrong and I felt confused or helpless.
One of my mentors gave me such useful tip in a conversation we had some time ago after a very powerful cleansing meditation which we did together. Just to tell you that she is an amazing woman and I have learned a lot from her as she has a well-developed intuition,clairvoyance(she can see things beyond the boundaries of the visible world) and great knowledge that she uses to help others with their journey in a very gentle and effective way.
So let me share with you this special tip which works for me at 100%, so that you could benefit from it too and start using it when you feel tired, depressed, disorientated or even out of control.
Practice Description:
When you feel imbalanced, unsecured or stressed make your hair look like a pony-tail. It does not mean that you need to have long hair (although it is preferable). If you can physically touch your hair, you would be able to make the pony-tail, then feel it and “show it to the world”. Through this practice you will regain your energy and life force and will collect again the pieces you had given away to family members, beloved ones, colleagues, at your job and so on.
The above works also, if you just imagine making the pony-tail and “see it with your inner sight” how you are becoming wholesome.
Connecting your hair and making the pony-tail will make you stronger and more powerful because hair represents a gate to the Unified Cosmic Field – according to the Principle of Oneness we are all connected in a common supportive energy information field which we all share on the planet Earth.
Remember our ancestors and how they held the pony-tail in their hand. There are no coincidences in life and every simple thing matters having its own meaning in the School of Life, don’t forget that!
Try to apply the above mentioned practice or visualization every time you feel something is going wrong or when you feel that life treats you like a victim because there is nothing to gain with that victimhood mentality, so raise you shoulders and imagine /or do it physically if you have a long hair/ how you are making your hair in the form of a pony-tail and how you are regaining your power and healthy attitude to life and its challenges.
Remember that there is not a real distance between the physical action and the mental one because we are all wired up to our mind and the energy flows where the mind goes.
Right now is the time for you to start practicing this simple tip in order to improve your energy level and your life style.
Stay open-minded to see the new and powerful things that will enter your reality especially if you do this in a state of a greater awareness and belief that everything in life is possible because you are a Co-creator of your destiny.
Wish you success!
Category: Stress Management