How to Overcome Fear and Stress with Love
Let’s talk about Love and how useful it is to integrate it in our hearts. Practicing Love implies life mastery, because we are all born to be happy and loved. Loving and appreciating oneself brings more health and abundance in life. You meet more influential people who think and act like you do and you feel peace and harmony throughout your life journey.
Love is related to our natural state of being, it is our birthright and our destiny. We all need it and also we are all able to give Love no matter what it means to us, how we name it and how we express it. Nevertheless of its numerous forms of expression, Love makes us feel satisfied and fulfilled when we have it in our life.
Love is set up by default in every cell of our physical body, so we innately vibrate on the frequency of Love. Love is the deepest essence of all that we are, so through it we connect in unity and oneness. Love can resolve all misunderstandings in life and in this way it is a natural healer and helps us be healthy, wealthy and alligned with the life flow. Loving and appreciating ourselves helps us to be present now especially after the planetary shift in 2012, which is a very powerful method to reduce daily stress and live an abundant life.
I finally experienced True love when I accepted and began to honor each and every part of myself especially in this new era of the human evolution. We live in higher vibrations now and everything we think manifests in our reality faster than before. I learned this in a very hard way. This was one of my difficult lessons in my life journey to be present here now. I was ill for a long time and knew deep inside myself that there were big transformations going in my physical body in order to become more aware of the way I deal with my life.
So how can we master Love on a daily basis? When I was ill I felt overwhelmed and exhausted. When I laid in my bed I applied a technique, which helped me in a very powerful way to feel more comfortable and attuned to life. I remembered a mantra a friend of mine used to sing. It is called the mantra of compassion and the words are OM MANI PADME HUM.
I started chanting this mantra mentally and in a very short time I felt much better. Remember I did this technique when I was in a critical situation and passing through a deep clearing process. It worked for me, so I hope it will help you too in order to stay balanced and concentrated expressing more Love and true Appreciation to yourself and all around you.
Right now it is the time for you to act and make Love your reality. Expressing Love on a daily basis in the new life conditions on the planet Earth will help you to live a better life and be a better you. Mastering the art of Love brings more and more Love throughout your life journey and it happens much faster and easier than before.
Category: Love