How to Live a Life without Daily Stress
Let’s talk about the benefits you can gain in life if you are committed and do some conscious efforts to hear the voice of your intuition deep inside yourself. This little voice is always within you but you often ignore it or do not trust it. Tapping into its guidance will result in maintaining a vibrant health and attaining abundance in all areas of your life.
Let’s talk now about how to get really quiet inside yourself so that to hear the voice of your intuition. I can assure you that this is a very natural process, so let’s take the first step and calm your mind. This will reduce or even eliminate the mental chatter in your head. We want to live our lives based on the experience and knowledge that we have. But this is a long lasting process and we spend almost all our life time in efforts to gain the experience and expertise we need. On the other hand, we could avoid so many struggles and stress on a daily basis, if we follow our direct knowing or the inner whisper of our intuition and if we master this inner connection and guidance.
Having daily insights and illuminations is really beneficial because they unlock a tremendous inner knowledge and guidance how to act and what is best for us right then in order to live a better life and feel fully completed, centered and integrated as enlightened and elevated human beings. When we begin to reconnect to out true selves, we have more clarity about our life path and purpose, so we start to see more and more opportunities in life and we know crystal clear what to do in every situation, so we get to feel better and better. And though we are more active than before, we live really a peaceful life. All our fears and frustrations disappear when we attune to our inner intelligence and use it appropriately – then we feel happy and joyful.
You have already started your own conscious journey toward mastery that helps you not only always be on track but also enjoy the journey and celebrate life. You will then have more free time for yourself and for your family, friends and social contacts. You will do whatever you feel pleased to do and you will live the life of your dreams filled with blessed gorgeous experiences and rewards.
You are the real master of your own life and there is no need to compare yourself with others. It is not necessary to always seek outer opinions and approval for the things you are doing and so that to feel better. You know that all is up to you and you are creating your destiny now, at the present moment. But you know day after day, week after week what you can do, so you are prepared for everything and you live a balanced and harmonious life.
You have this bigger and higher perspective, you also know that you are always protected and guided to avoid unseen obstacles and to gain wisdom from the life challenges and from the relationships of different kind. Your ability to tap into your higher guidance will produce answers, insights, understanding and wisdom about what to do regularly and what to do now in order to have a life of fulfillment.
As we know mastery is an infinite journey and we are all students in the School of Life. However, mastery is attained step by step in practicing our qualities and applying our virtues. Mastery is a process of awakening and evolving mind, heart, body and spirit in order to serve people and to contribute for a better world.
How can we master the process of intuitive living?
I suggest you to do a small but very effective practice – it helped me many times when I was off track. By mastering the process of love you can accelerate the process of being more awake, aware and intuitive. Love and gratitude are the two highest vibrational states and they both can change your reality for better. So I suggest you to start your day with love and gratitude for all things you have already in your life. This will attract more of the same throughout the day, because as we know like attracts like and this is a law without any exceptions in life. So, write down on a piece of paper just one thing you are grateful for and your intent for the coming day. Then look at it frequently or mentally repeat it throughout the day. Try to practice love and gratitude by using positive and powerful words to express yourself for at least 21 days and see what new will come in your surroundings.
You can start right now to practice love and gratitude in the early morning for at least 5 min a day. Just be committed to set up your time and regularly to do this practice if you want a belter life and more time for fun and joy.
Category: Stress Management