How to be a Positive Thinker in order to Reduce the Daily Stress

Let’s talk about how being a positive thinker and looking at life challenges with a positive attitude will bring you more health and well-being on a daily basis.

We are born as energy-based beings and our vibrational setup is in the frequency of love, appreciation and gratitude.

There are women who are born and grew up in a supportive and carrying environment, but there are also other cases – those who were raised in an abusive surrounding who are likely to be more “negatively attuned” to their life conditions.

I am a single child and my date of birth gives number 6 which according to the science of numerology is the number of love.

So, it is obvious that it is good for me to operate and vibrate on the vibration of love.

But my reality differs from the prognosticated one, because I am a human being, I am a woman and most of my life I had to deal with the conflict between my logics and my emotions.

My mental faculties were very well organized and strong and if I could not explained something through the logical mind I turned around and neglected it because the word “miracle” was not in my vocabulary.

I worked with daily affirmations and tried to express myself using only positive words and statements but it was not so easy as it is supposed to be because of my emotions, beliefs, childhood patterns and educational background of what was good or wrong.

They triggered me to seek perfection in everything I thought or did and I wanted to achieve more and more because I have already achieved my level of perfection on the physical level in my career as a professional aerobic and callanetic instructor after many years of physical activities, dancing workouts etc.

What I realized was that I was not this big positive thinker and fitness guru as I was supposed to be and then miracles started to happen in my surroundings.

I still remember how ashamed I felt and how I denied to make a confession to myself that I was not so good in positive thinking no matter how many spiritual practices and energetic tools I had used for years.

My models of reality and how things in life should be were very structured and well organized in order to facilitate my life, as I thought before.

The most important thing that caused me most of the troubles in my life was the meaning I gave to people and situations in my reality.

It caused me many efforts and money to finally find out how the Mirror Theory worked in my life. Finally I was able to understand that people or situations I encounter are not bad or good by themselves. It was my attitude that made them positive or negative and when my emotions were at a higher level things went out of control.

I understood in a rather hard manner the truth that we were the meaning makers and there was nothing to be ashamed of if you could not hold this positive attitude to life in a long term.

But it is a process of self-observation and awareness to learn not only from your own failures but also from other people that have passed through the same process.

There was nothing wrong with me to become a negative thinker right after practicing an aerobic or Latin dance workout /you may probably not know that the most natural way to get uplifted and motivated and to release the daily stress is to be successful on the physical level doing daily workouts/if you want to learn more about my preferable daily routine workouts/ and they don’t need to be like HIIT /high intensive interval training/ or long cardio workouts, you can do just some simple movements with your body and it will help you release the daily anxiety and stress.

So the real mastery is to accept the fact that it is almost impossible for you to be only a positive thinker all the time and to accept that it is not wrong to have negative thinking from time to time because you are a human being and you experience different roles and attitudes in the school of life on the planet Earth.

So let me share here now how we can have all the things we need and live in peace and harmony without struggles so that we can be positive thinkers most of the time.

I found out that we all have one thing in common being here on a journey on the Mother Earth and it is our internal representation of ourselves.   We usually hold in our mind the mental chatter that represents all the things we are saying to ourselves according to the childhood behavioral patterns that are grounded in us by our family and society.

They determine the way we interpret all things in life and there is no need to put them labels good or wrong, true or false but we do this automatically when someone or something enters our reality.

The key that help us understand how this process works is to be an observer, just to stay and watch it through the eyes of a stranger, not attaching yourself to your thoughts or emotions to a complicated situation or while dealing with a difficult person.

Just be an observer and try to see the bigger picture, just notice your inner dialogue of making judgments, putting labels etc. without involving yourself in all that stuff.

Try to practice this every time you feel something is not the way you expected it to be and see how your life will change.

Stay open–minded to observe the changes that will enter your reality when you stop involving yourself in this complicated current reality when you have problems to solve or life struggles to handle with.

Wish you succes!

You can read more relevant information in my eBook "How to practice the lesson of BYBV". You can download the eBook for free right now!
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Category: Stress Management