How to Attune Yourself to the Inner You as a Remedy for Stress Relief
Let’s talk about how being your authentic self and listening to your inner voice can help you release the daily stress and live a peaceful and abundant life. Knowing who you really are and having confidence and trust in your inner guidance will lead you to a better health and wealth throughout your life journey. It is awesome, if you establish this connection with your inner self, because otherwise you can go in a different direction and try to find this connection in another person or in various things and situations outside yourself.
We all have different parts within ourselves, which we have to integrate one by one, if we want to be complete as human beings and also to be fully present here now. We have to consciously search and go deeper into all these dark sides we have inside ourselves, if we want to integrate them all. Facing them boldly and accepting their existence is the first stage of the process.
If we are afraid or unwilling to do this, then fear will become our reality, because life is never perfect as we think it should be. But on the other hand, we in essence are perfect from the day we were born till the day we die. We have to just attune to our inner power and follow our intuition, if we want to live a happier and better life.
Thinking often about how great we really are and saying to ourselves positive words and affirmations like “I have the power! I am a creator of my life! I can heal myself because my physical body is intelligent and knows how to recharge and rejuvenate itself .” helps the process itself. I have passed many trainings and seminars and have experienced different problems along my path of personal development and growth. I struggled a lot and finally I found out that I had to know how to find my power and bring it back into my physical body in a stressful situation. It sounds very simple but took me many efforts to really understand and practice that.
I felt uncomfortable many times and needed more guidance, because like every woman I could not accept “NO” as an answer. I had to make conscious efforts to become more of what I really am and to learn more about the archetypes I knew I was. These archetypes had a different role in my life in the different stages of my personal development and ruled my life according to the stage of my evolution. But I needed more guidance to finally find out how to step into my inner power, the power that has created everything in my outer reality.
Passing through all my studies I saw that miracles really happened but my logical mind had to battle with that perspective no matter that I could not explain the core of the process but just accept that miracles exist. I saw many miracles to happen in my life but it was very difficult for me to accept and simply enjoy them because of my logical mind. It took me years to understand that my mind is multidimensional in existence but we as human beings living in physical bodies, act in a determined surrounding.
So how can we master the process of attuning to your true self? It is a not an easy process but finding how to be your self will bring you joy, peace and happiness throughout your day. I would like to share with you a powerful and simple practice that helped me a lot every time I felt exhausted, overwhelmed and off track. Every time you go out of control, whenever you feel angry and depressed, remember that you should not take anything personally because everyone create their own reality and project their thoughts and feelings upon you.
To feel angry or joyful is a choice that you can make. And this choice is in your hands because you are the real master of your own reality in life. Remember also that we are all connected and the person or the situation you encounter is only a mirror showing you what you need to change deep inside yourself, so that to go on to the next stage of your evolution. The more you practice, the easier your life becomes, and your experiences get more pleasant and effortless. The more synchronicities begin to happen and you are aware of them, the more on the flow you are. And you will be told what to do and what to say, if you follow the signs of your intuition.
Right now it is the time for you to act and change your life to better. Raising the power within yourself will bring everything you want from life in your surroundings. You have been given all you need since the day you were born but making conscious efforts and being more aware helps you serve for a better world in this upcoming era of the new human evolution. I wish you success in your lifepath!
Category: Stress Management