Controlling Daily Stress or Surrendering to it

Let’s talk about the control over your daily event stream. To have control over your daily routine brings back your self-confidence and connects you to people who are influential and think the same way as you do. Time control and the daily program will help you not to be distracted by those things, which are not important to you and it is the first step toward coping with stressors and living a happier life.

According to some new concepts control means not only to detect errors as before, but also to foresee prevention actions. To control all areas of life implies Mastery of yourself and of your life journey and also being the best Authority in it. Control is equal to empowering and brings your energy back , so that you can use it in a way that corresponds to your true needs and desires. Women are very sensitive in nature and want to control everyone and everything in life. From a theoretical point of view it is OK, but it is difficult to be applied in real life.

Controlling everyone and everything can be a great challenge, but it is much wiser to learn to control yourself, because only self-control gives you true power and the opportunity to make difference in the outer world. You have the birth right and willpower to become a life master by attaining self-mastery and this is a long-lasting process that has to be consciously done. It is important to be in control of your life, but sometimes it is very exhausted to maintain this control. Therefore, it is much more productive and efficient to trust the Universe, surrender the life flow and just be.

People who love to control have many physical characteristics in common and the most important one is their appearance. They have a good posture and nice healthy body; they usually like good food and drinks and being ahead of big groups of people, because then they have a platform to control everything and to show others how good and outstanding they are. I know what I am talking about, because it took me nearly 2 years of conscious efforts to leave my habit of controlling everything and everyone in my closest circle.

When I finally coped with that issue and left myself on the life flow, I suddenly found out how heavy the “luggage” of total control had always been to me. It was not easy for me to understand that surrender was the best decision I had ever made in my entire life and it gave me back so much energy on a daily basis that I could use for my new conscious living. I am entirely on the flow now and there is a big shift in my life corresponding to my decision to surrender to the natural rhythm of being, receive readily the life challenges and live a harmonious and happy life.

So, what can we do when we feel there is no more need to control things and people in our lives except for out thoughts, feelings and actions? I can give you advice how to start implementing surrender on a daily basis and to let go of the need to be in charge of everything in life. I did it for myself and the results were amazing.

1. Every time when you feel that you try to control people, situations or something else in your life, ask yourself mentally whether you really need to do this or not.

2. Observe the feelings in response in the physical body and see what happens there.

3. If you feel comfortable, then go on and control the situation or people involved.

Remember, I advise you not to give up your life control entirely, but just be more conscious to the life challenges and surrender to the life lessons you have to learn throughout your journey. Living on the flow is really your birth right, because you were born to live well, be aligned to the Universe and not to struggle with everything in life. Right now begin to practice surrender instead of control and see what new will emerge to make your life really meaningful. I wish you to enjoy your life journey through surrender and self-mastery!

You can read more relevant information in my eBook "How to practice the lesson of BYBV". You can download the eBook for free right now!
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Category: Stress Management