A Simple Way to Handle with the Daily Stress
Let’s talk about how important it is for us to be balanced and centered throughout our life journey. In this way we could encounter all challenges in life using and developing our potentials and being able to apply 100% of our capacity almost all our life time.
We are energetic beings in nature and vibrate on a certain frequency. Everything in the Universe vibrates and there is a constant mutual exchange of energy on the principle “like attracts like”. We as human beings, exchange energy among one another through our thoughts, feelings, words and actions. Having all you body energy in circulation within your body is very useful, so that you may live in health and happiness, in peace and joy. If there is a blockage of the energy in the physical body, it may cause a disease.
Every blockage and dysfunction in our physicality shows us that we need to make some change in our attitude and perception of things, something within ourselves calls for attention and transformation in order to go onto the next stage of our evolution. Women are very sensitive in nature, but sometimes they betray themselves in order to please the others. All unspoken words and unrealized intents make us feel inner discomfort, as we perceive ourselves as losers or failures; in other words, we are not good enough for the perfection that we seek in everything and everyone. I had this issue in the past and knew that I was not doing my best in my life performance because my throat center was blocked. Realizing that, I made conscious efforts to express every emotion and feeling I had within myself, but found out that it was not good for me to continue working in this way.
Expressed emotions are not better than suppressed ones, because like everything in life you have to attain and maintain the balance between energies and things in order to feel comfortable, well and joyful. I was wasting my energy through the throat center and as a result there was not enough left for myself, so I came to the conclusion that I had to change this pattern of communication. I had to stop for a while and think over the reason why I was operating in this way and what to change. I felt I was unbalanced and knew that my intuition was giving me signs for changing my behavioral pattern. I knew it was time for me to do it and once I made my decision and set up my intention to work in this direction, things began to change.
After many years on the path of personal development and growth I was able to recognize the signs for going onto the next level of my evolution. I regularly practice a simple technique, which helped me many times when I had to work with many energies at a time. I am glad to share it here below and hope it will be useful for you too.
1. Stay calm for a minute.
2. Breathe deeply for a minute or two.
3. Imagine a black light covering your throat center.
4. Breathe into this black light and see how it disappears in the Universe.
5. Imagine a golden light covering your body and protecting you.
Practice this every time you feel exhausted or overwhelmed and observe the changes that will come into your life. Remember to do this practice persistently and be open minded to notice the changes that will emerge in your life. Do not criticize or judge them. Accept them with a smile and be grateful for your life enfolding fully and truly here now.
Category: Stress Management