The Top 3 Choices Women Can Make In Daily Stress Management
In this article I will point out the 3 top mistakes women make when they try to control daily stress and I will propose some simple things you can do to take control over your life. This article is focused on the top 3 choices women can make when they try to manage daily stress together with some very simple things, which you can do to feel better and enjoy life.
Women want to control everything in life in a way that corresponds to their beliefs, core values and family environment. We often go through life without thinking of the reasons why we do certain things and what lessons we need to learn from them. It sounds quite familiar isn’t it? It is because that is the common way in which we act to handle everyday stress.
Some time ago I set intent to live my life in peace and joy and so I started to do different things in this direction. Clearly stated intents lead to actions with the specific purpose of achieving the desired goals. You know what I mean. To live at peace managing the normal stress levels and to rejoice on a daily basis will bring you radiant health and abundant wealth. So what is your intent? Do you want to have a healthy fit body and a great feeling of joy and abundance in life? I think you do. I know that deep inside yourself you really know what your biggest dream and desire is.
To discover and understand your life purpose and passion is very important – if you act purposefully and passionately, you can easily manage your affairs in life around that focus. We all have daily fears and frustrations, needs and desires: some of these are natural, but others emerge on a subconscious level. We think with our logical mind but unconscious and even more conscious fear is usually stronger than logic; therefore, sometimes we hardly realize what has excited our actions and behavior.
Fear brings stress into life. Stress results in all these unwanted negative emotions and the lack of management in life. So what to do? Is it good to battle fear or to hide from it all the time? We all know how important it is to reduce or if possible, eliminate our unconscious and conscious fears decreasing the stress triggers in our daily life to minimum, but how? Acting without purpose and focus will lead to losing control over all areas in our life. And when we are not able to rule our affairs, we gain more stress in life, which sends us in a downward spiral of being. So what should we do to avoid this?
I am going to share with you some very practical techniques, which will help you to regain and improve your managing position and reduce stress. I have been in the fitness industry for more than 15 years. I have communicated professionally with many women and have supported them to live a better life and create a more positive environment around them. When I say a better life I do not mean a life deprived of stress and emotions, because life does not treat us always but periodically offers us challenges and trials, so the stress triggers can pop up from everywhere. Reliving all emotions and energy motions is equal to death. But as women, we often have too many expectations of what things should be and thus we block ourselves from what we truly want from life. We waste our time, efforts and resources for all those ordinary and trifle things instead of concentrating on what is vital and really valuable for us. Then, very often we play the role of victims of the circumstances. We also try to control everything and everyone in our closest circles instead of giving freedom and respecting the free choice. After that, we usually battle the fears one by one and increase the stress levels day by day. After many years on the path of personal growth I found out that there are some choices, which are better for us as women as we have many things make in common. I am going to share with you the top 3 of them, which I think to be the most important ones when it comes to reducing e stress and managing life to be harmonious and happy.
Here are the common top 3 good choices you can make to get rid of the daily stress.
1. Spend your time with positive and optimistic people.
Life is too short to spend it with people who feel unhappy and complain all the time; or with people who are aggressive and try to dominate you all the time, thus draining you of your energy and personal power. Those who want to be with you will make a room for you in their life – you should not fight for a place there. And remember, your true friends are not those who are with you in your best times, but those, who stay with you in the worst situations of your life.
As the proverb says: “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.
- Make a decision to begin something new into your life, and if you are serious, you will be able to manage stress in this new activity.
- Think of 5 people who are in your closest circle and their characters, behavior, lifepath., Try to see yourself in them like in a mirror, because like attracts like; moreover these people determine many things in your life – find out what could be changed for better in your environment.
2. Face your Problems instead of Running away from Them.
Ii is not easy to identify a problem and admit its existence. But it is a step towards your happiness when you can face the problem and make a decision how to solve it. Remember, no one in the world can escape from fear and stress for a long time. We are not expected to be able to instantly solve all problems and eliminate stress triggers once and forever. In fact we create our problems because that is the purpose of being – to develop and evolve by solving problems, learning life lessons, adapting to different conditions and passing the trials over time.
- Be positive and set clear intents. If you change your attitude from negative to positive and strengthen your intent that you want to face problems and you are willing to grow and develop, then your problems are already half resolved.
- Follow your intuition. When you set up an intention, the Universe responds to it and gives you a corresponding situation and guidance. It could be a conversation, a sentence from a book, a symbol or a sign. There is always an answer. There are many ways to receive this answer. Just listen to what your intuition speaks to you, because this is your guidance system responding on demand. It protects you and gives you all answers you need to live a better life. Working with it hand in hand helps you to find the true solution and initiate new steps in life, thus tremendously reducing stress and managing your life journey in the most efficient ways.
3. Be True to Yourself because You Can Lie to Everyone but Yourself.
Our life improves only when we take risks and the first and the biggest risk of all is to be honest with ourselves. When you know who you really are and when you stand for your core values- that will bring quality in all areas of your life. Remember, you are great just the way you are here now. Your core values are your drives and motivators; they give you the energy to live and develop, so no matter if you are aware of this or not, you will need this energy to reduce stress and manage your life.
I know that if you are reading this article, you have already proven your interest in personal growth and improvement. I know that if you are dedicated to this purpose, you will get awesome results. And I am writing to you because I have recently received a crystal clearance on these very important choices which women can make to change their lifestyles to less stressful ones. If you want more harmony and joy, follow my advice and steps that have brought peace and confidence into my life. If you practice the techniques given below, you can get the same wonderful achievements.
So how can you manage your life successfully in spite of all daily stress? What action steps should you take to reduce daily stress and live a better life?
1. Take a piece of paper and divide it into two columns. Put in the first column the names of the people from your inner circle starting with your name. In the second column write down one issue against each name and see which problems you have in common.
2. Think of a problem you have.Write it down on a piece of paper and read it aloud. Think out one action step you can take to solve it. Write down the action step. Read it aloud. Then take this action and write down the result.
3. Take 3 deep breaths. Count down from 10 to 1 and listen. Then write down on a piece of paper the first word that has come into your mind. The answer may surprise you but try not to judge or criticize. Do this every day for at least 21 days and you will see that your life will improve and you feel much better than before.
What if?
Right now it is time for you to act. Start doing what it takes to get rid of daily stress and make space for joy and happiness in your life. Take the action steps, which I shared with you. Make a journal and write down the results from step 1, step 2 and step 3 at the end of every day. Read them aloud and be grateful that you succeeded to do such great work for yourself and others throughout the day. It will pay all your efforts and you will be more fulfilled than ever.
Wish you success!
Category: Stress Management