Powerful Stress Relief Technique
Let’s talk about one of my favorite techniques for daily stress relief. What I am going to share with you now is a very simple and easy to do technique that will certainly help you to reduce your daily stress to the bottom line.
But first I want to remind you of one basic principle in life stated in Wayne Dyer’s work “21 Days to Master Success and Inner Peace”. This wonderful book was my gift from Hay House Publishing and I like to revert to it again and again in different moments and situations of life.
The first principle mentioned in the book is “Be open to everything”. This is the real foundation of life because when you open yourself to the different possibilities /be it positive or negative in the world of polarities where we live/ at some point you will be able to see that you always have a choice from several options and you can eventually make the best choice especially when it comes to a complicated or challenging life situation or while dealing with a difficult person. Exercising your freedom of choice you will finally become the master of your own reality.
Remember that you are not alone on your life path and if you ask the Universe for support you will receive it. However, you are the only one who can manifest and experience your own intents and beliefs creating a paradise or hell in your life or something in between.
With all these thoughts as an introduction let me now introduce you to my simple but powerful stress relief technique which I call “The Combing Fingers”.
The Combing Fingers Technique Description – Variation One:
Each time you feel disturbed by something that brings you out of control just comb your hair with your fingers from your forehead to your nape and then go back.
For those of you who are familiar with visualization there is another variation of the Combing Technique.
The Combing Fingers Technique Description – Variation Two:
Just imagine and then visualize or “see” with your inner sight how you are combing your hair with all your fingers. As you know the energy flows where your intention goes, so if you are relaxed and concentrated, there is no even need to make the physical combing, because the effect will be the same or even stronger
As to me I prefer to alternate this technique depending on the situation and the people involved whenever I feel stressed or worried.
You can choose which variation of the combing fingers to use, you can even combine them but remember that it is recommendable to make the technique habitual, so that you can easily introduce it whenever needed. This way you will have all the benefits from it without any doubts what to do for daily stress relief.
We are joining a new dimensional reality right now, so we need to get used to it and face different challenges with ease and grace. That is the key reason why it is preferable to use and implement such easy and simple techniques like that one in order to reduce our daily stressors, feel better and better and be on the flow.
Therefore, I invite you to give it a try and make the first step toward living a stress-free, happy and abundant life.
Do the Combing Fingers Technique for at least 21 days and see how your life will change. Remember to be with open mind and open heart, so that you can attune yourself to everything the Universe will bring to you as opportunities for development. Be sure that all is for your highest good and be grateful.
Just remain open to everything and you will create your stress-free and abundant lifestream, bringing you mastery and inner peace, harmony and love thus fulfilling your life mission and unfolding your true potentials and gifts.
I”d say that life is like a “tango dance”: you make one step forward, then two steps back but you are still dancing and playing with life no matter that you are back for a while.
What really matters is to remain dancing and do the next step forward if you want to be happy and fulfilled.
Wish you success!
If you wish, please share with me how your tango goes and what your benefits from practicing the Combing Fingers Technique are.
Category: Powerful Practice Tools