A Simple Practice that Helps Release the Daily Stress
Let’s talk about how you can reduce the daily stress by using simple tips, so that you can live a happy and abundant life.
As you perhaps already know the Cosmic energies have considerably changed since 2012 and we have to learn how to use them for co-creating new life conditions allowing us to be happy and live on the flow.
The best things that usually work well in life are the simplest ones, so it is beneficial for you to learn more of them and use the appropriate ones throughout the day.
As you may have noticed the more you try to fix things in life, the more they go out of control.
Therefore, the main problem in modern life becomes the chronic tension and stress.
But you cannot fight without knowing who the enemy is, right?
So you have accepted by default that there is something wrong with your energy and that is why you feel stressed and exhausted on a daily basis.
Once you get aware of this, then you are ready to make the first step towards peace and harmony in life.
Everything can be achieved in life if you know what you really want.
Another problem for most of us is that we tend to spend more and more time sitting in front of the computer screen, so we feel very tired and energy drained by the end of the day.
After many years of practice as a fitness trainer and based on my work with many women at the gym I can suggest you a simple practice that you may use for reducing your daily stress and to feel more comfortable throughout the day.
It is a simple practice which you can use both at home and at the office. Moreover, you do not need to be physically trained to do it every time when you feel overloaded and tired.
Practice description:
Stand up (from the chair you are sitting).
Stay on the floor with both feet shoulders stride.
Stay on your toes for a minute or two.
Then go on your heels for another minute or two.
Take a deep breath when changing the position from toes to heels.
Or you can do this practice in a slightly different manner in the way I do it.
I usually do 5 circles by walking clockwise and then anti-clockwise because as you know, circle is a figure from the sacred geometry that represents the Universe and it will help you feel more energized and balanced than the casual “toes-heels” position.
Right now you can start doing this useful practice every time when you feel tired and stressed.
Try to do it for at least 21 days and observe how your life will change.
Remember that a long journey always starts with a single baby step.
So it really depends on you to take this first step towards your health and well-being.
Wish you success!
Category: Stress Management