A Useful Technique That Can Reduce Your Daily Stress

Let’s talk about how useful it is to find a way to cope with modern daily stress. It is obvious that if we use different techniques and  examine the way they help us deal with stress throughout the day, finally we’ll find out what serves us best, and that will be our own and unique way to cope with this problem and live a better and more fulfilled life.

Stress exists in our lives no matter if we are aware of  it or not. Therefore, it is very beneficial for us is to accept that stress exists for a reason:  in fact, it  makes us move ahead and make changes in our lives in order to advance and finally achieve safisfaction and joy out of our life journey. I know from my own experience that half of the problem is solved when you get aware what causes the stress in your surroundings.

We are different in nature and react or non- react on different irritants in life. So, it is a matter of choice to be more conscious in life and try to understand the causes and lessons hidden in everything happening to us which means not to react in negative ways and not to act on autopilot. What I mean is that awareness is a key by which you can unlock the gate of  success in life and allow the gifts of prosperity flow into your days. The Universe is always very responsive when you have clear intents and visions are willing to cooperate with it.

Awareness helps us realize that we create our life by our thoughts, feelings, wishes, words and actions and we have the right to choose what things to put in it. Rather than seeing yourself as a victim and blame others for your state, ask yourself about the true reason, for example “Why am I creating all this stuff in my life? What is beneficial for me in this situation or in the relationship with this person and why have I created it? What is the lesson that I have to learn?”

These are very powerful questions, because they will help you start treating the problem from a different point of view – instead of operating from the place of anger and stress and block yourself from the Universe’s support, you can see the situation in a different perspective and have a different approach– that of awareness and compassion.

These simple questions  helped me many times in the past, so that I could “ find out my own way” to cope with  complicated situations or  difficult persons, because every time I manage, it brings  me back my inner strength and wisdom. These questions also help me to hold the vision that I can handle this too, no matter how hard it seems to be.

You will discover how rich and creative this technique could be, and it is really helpful, when you want to focus on the outcome not on the obstacles you have to deal with. Once you understand that you have created everything coming into your surroundings and start dealing it from this new perspective, you will have a more balanced and creative approach to the events in your life, thus starting to tune in to your destiny and govern your life as a Life Co-Creator and a person who is aware of how the journey of life will unfold further on.

Right now is time for action, so start by asking yourself these simple questions of “why”, if you want to become more consciously aware and master your life and behavior in the new upcoming world of humanity.

You can read more relevant information in my eBook "How to practice the lesson of BYBV". You can download the eBook for free right now!
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Category: Stress Management