How to Reduce the Daily Stress by Acceptance the Grey Shadows in Life

Let’s talk about the benefits of accepting things as they are in their diversity and uniqueness. In fact, we are used to label them as bad or good, low or high, black or white, but usually they are  in the band  in between these polarities.

Recognizing diversity in life as a positive trait and accepting the variety of grey shadows as a part of it will help you change your perspective on how things in your life could unfold, because when you start seeing life as a combination of options you will gain a better understanding of the Universe’s laws and this will reduce your daily stress tremendously.

There are always opposites in life but in the duality paradigm of thinking they are opposed to each other and struggling, while in the unity paradigm they are in cooperation and co-creation. Just think about it and imagine the yin-yang symbol – this powerful presentation of the masculine and feminine energy being in perfect balance and integrity.

The real life mastery is to harmonize these two principles of life existing in your being and in nature; in other words, if you want to be a complete human being living happily and fluently, you have to accept and integrate the polarities in yourself and around you. The same synthesis has to be done with everything coming into your life. What I mean by that is: in order to fulfill your life and enjoy the journey itself it is good to look at life challenges with this positive attitude of accepting the opposite and different.

Life does not seem to be  simple and easy to live because of the lessons we must learn from its challenges, but when we know how to navigate it, it does become a real fun. Every time when things go out of control and you feel something is going wrong, just remember that there are always shadows in grey in between the two major polarities- perfect and bad, good and wrong, up and down.

There are always multiple choices in the Universe and it is a matter of attitude to life to see them beneath the surface. There is always an exit from a tangled situation, a good decision in a complicated development of things and a solution for any problem. If you master your behavior and choose to view the opposites as an opportunity for cooperation and co-creation, then you will see that there are always, always various options, because we live in a Universe where everything is inclusive and each part includes everything.

In the same way, we have different parts within ourselves and in the different stages of our life one of them is major and governs us to think and act in a certain way. When you get aware of what part of you is taking control over your life you can make some conscious efforts to see things from the perspective of a complete human being who is the master of  one’s reality and who is “in charge” of all the parts we have within ourselves.

Look at Nature! You can see that sky is not only blue and shining. Sometimes it is grey or even black and thunderstorms are seen in many places. The same situation occurs in life. Some days are brilliant and shining and others are gloomy or even dark.

So how can we “train” ourselves to accept that there are ups and downs in life, that there is а wide scale of possibilities not only black or white? I found out for myself a simple and powerful technique which helped me many times when I got stuck and did not see the “light in the tunnel”. Every time when things go wrong or someone is not the way you expect ask yourself this question: “Am I worthy?” You accept that you have created this situation on your own, so you can be loveable and tolerant to yourself to see and learn the lesson beneath the surface, because you have already understood that the way you show up in the world is a reflection of your own inner world of thoughts, beliefs and feelings.

So, if you think something is wrong or in a way you don’t want it to be, do you feel worthy enough to change your thoughts and to attract something different than this? Can you see the wide grey scale and how grey your grey really is?” I assure you that this is a very useful and practical technique, because in doing the process you can see what triggers you to attract only the blacks and whites, the ups and downs in your life.

We all have limiting beliefs and childhood patterns that do not serve us any more but stay grounded in us from our family and social surroundings. However, we are not children anymore, so it is beneficial for us to see things in life from a different point of view and apply a different approach, if we want to live a stress free life and enjoy the journey itself.

I recommend the above mentioned technique for removing your life “obstacles” and opening the gates of wealth, happiness and abundance. Feel free to practice this every time you get off track or you only see the right or wrong in things happening to you.

You can read more relevant information in my eBook "How to practice the lesson of BYBV". You can download the eBook for free right now!
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Category: Stress Management