One Simple Thing that Helps Reduce the Daily Stress

Let’s talk about self-worth and how it impacts your life. Self- worth is the recognition of your uniqueness and value and the feeling of self-love plus the respect you have for yourself and your skills and abilities. When you feel confidence and thrust to others, gratitude and appreciation this corresponds to a bigger self-worth level.

Self-worth is expressed in the image you hold deep inside yourself of your true self and it is also connected with your self-esteem. Your self-esteem affects everything you are, everything you have and do because it governs your every action and reaction. If you feel deep inside yourself that you have a lack of confidence, it will affect your sense of  security and then  you will probably not  recognize the great opportunities in your life. If you want to live a stress-free and abundant life, you have to change this self-image and replace your negative thoughts about yourself  with more positive and peaceful ones. This is the so-called reprogramming of your conscious and subconscious mindset.

Your thoughts are energy and the energy is all around us because we live in a big energy-information field: so, when you think that you have a lack of something, you attract more of the same, e.g. more lack in your surroundings, which results in more stress and diseases in your life. The way you think of yourself emits in your aura field and many people who have clear vision can see this. Most people are not capable of seeing your aura field, but they can feel the energy around you, e.g. they can sense your vibes and will react on a subconscious level depending of the dominant frequency of your emitted thoughts, feelings and words. In this way you attract positive or negative things in your surroundings.

The thoughts you admit and plant are “filtered” by your belief system, which is usually formed in your childhood and teen-age by the main influence of your family and closest circle. Your mindset and belief system also determines the major frequency of your feelings and words which on their turn lead to your actions and results in life. The “cool thing” here is that you can change your self-esteem, because you are not born with it and also, it is not something that comes only from outside. Self-worth fully and truly depends on you and your attitude to yourself, e.g. it comes from practices and habits generated from within. It means that you can manage it and it is in your personal power to decide which side of your self-image will be manifested.

How can we raise our self-worth level?

In order to create your reality by choosing empowered beliefs that will foster your self-worth, just look at a person you admire and do the things you appreciate in others. If you want to be like them, watch carefully their habits and actions on a daily basis and implement what you like step by step and for your highest good. The rule is simple and it states that what we admire in other people, we will also admire in ourselves. Moreover, by recognition and appreciation of the good in others, you attract it to yourself.

I would like to share here a simple practice that will help you raise your self-worth and I call it “Practice expecting the best”. Usually people are motivated by 2 main things:

  1. What they want to avoid in life.
  2. What they want to achieve in life.

Both are very strong motivators and I use them both a lot in my life. By the way, I have found  out that the second one works for me better, because it triggers me to use only positive and powerful words and statements in my everyday life. It also makes me take “more” motivated actions towards my desired life style.

So, I recommend you to practice expecting the best or, in other words, think that everything in life happens for your highest good; this will raise your self-worth and you will “feel worthy of more happiness”. Thus you will admit and allow only happiness and good things to enter all areas of your life. And when this happens, you will emit these feelings of well being and gratitude, as well as the “positive” vibes of thrusting the Universe  to bring you more of the same. You will also understand by the good results that when you focus your attention on “expecting only the best”  the Universe responds to this and brings you in return more of this energy into your surroundings/.

Right now  is the time for you to practice expecting the best, if you want to create your happiest life, because we are living in a new world after December 2012 and we are able to materialize things in our outer world very quickly. Try to practice the process of expecting the best for at least 21 days and see how your life will change.

You can read more relevant information in my eBook "How to practice the lesson of BYBV". You can download the eBook for free right now!
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Category: Stress Management