The Most Important Tip That Helps You Manage Your Daily Stress
Let’s talk about how powerful it is to manage your daily stress and become a real master of your life. Reducing stress helps you be more balanced and relaxed throughout your daily activities, and over time it brings you back to your natural state of peace and harmony, so you are not so dependant on the outer stressors and could really feel and use your inner power attracting more beneficial circumstances and more powerful people into your life.
Women usually want to live a better and simpler life, because they work equally to men but wear different hats having a lot of housekeeping and family duties too. Moreover, they have a sophisticated sensitivity, so they experience the effects of daily stress with a greater strength. They cannot accept failures in their life, because they have this innate need everything and everyone around to feel well and be perfect, so they struggle a lot for this judging and criticizing themselves of what life, people and environment should or should not be. Women tend to follow many “shoulds” and “musts” that very often the final outcome of this is tiredness, shaken health and bitterness.
Have you ever heard of the maxim:If you have never failed, you have never lived? I kept it in mind almost all the time and I had to manage so many other similar thoughts, that I could not really count them. And after many years of practicing affirmations, I finally found out that if you could simply change your attitude to life everything got much easier than before. I stopped observing those different “shoulds” and “musts”: these words are not in my vocabulary anymore. In fact that was not a simple process but a sequency of many small steps I undertook to become who I am now. To be careful about the words I speak and transform my inner chatter and outer attitude to people and situations helped me finally understand that there were no failures in life but life lessons. And if we learn them well and on time, things always change to better.
When I look back, I can say that all my breakdowns and failures were very important for my transformation and stimulated me to try again, move forward and go to the next level of my personal evolution. They have enhanced my growth in every area of life. So, I embrace them all and I am very thankful for them. Difficulties are in fact opportunities for us to learn and advance, to manifest our true power and develop our gifts, if we want to live in joy, satisfaction and abundance being fully present here now and staying on the flow.
Remember that when you are in a state of non-resistance you allow the Universe to support you with everything you want to manifest in your reality and then you truly live in harmony and abundance. So what is the magic pill that can help you stay balanced and stop struggling with your life? I suggest you to use this simple practice every time when you feel it is not fair to live and work in a hasty and chaotic way.
1. Calm down by focusing on your breath.
2. Ask yourself mentally “What is that most important thing I have to learn by this?”
3. Listen to your inner voice to hear the answer, because there is always an answer and if you are willing to hear it, you will.
Remember that there are no coincidences in life and when you follow your inner guidance, you may avoid mistakes and deviations making all you want come true and creating your happy beautiful reality. Sometimes the answer to your questions may come from a stranger passing by, or you can read it in a book/magazine, when you open it spontaneously. If you are aware and listen to your inner voice, you will get the message and follow it, so that you could do what is best for you and have uplifting experiences to be able to vibrate on the level of the Universe. Thus you will not worry any more, you will get all you need and powerful people who are like you will support you in different ways.
Right now it is the time for you to act, if you want to change your life and manifest your true essence. Start to implement this practice every time when you feel that you are going off track. Be open-minded to notice those new positive things, which will enter and enrich your life. Wish you success!
Category: Stress Management