How to be Happy and Live without Stress
When we have something we cannot deal with and we are afraid to face it, we see it projected in the other people. When we are not able to cope with the stressful life situations or with those people who drain our energy out, sometimes we try and try again to fix our problems and due to these undesired efforts we feel tired and depressed almost all the time. So, when we judge the people who make us crazy it is actually about us. The real answer to this is that we need to be happy within ourselves. And if we are Ok with ourselves, we will be Ok with the others too.
It is really not so easy to observe ourselves and see what triggers us beneath the surface. I know from my own experience that it is easier for us to see our problems projected outside in other persons and situations. And most people do it this way. The real work is to face and observe ourselves, because everything outside us is a reflection of our inner world, that is why we see ourselves in everybody else as in a mirror. So, if we can balance ourselves and attain our inner peace, the whole world will be a very peaceful place.
Everybody wants to be happy, but we do things that make us unhappy because it is all in our sub consciousness. If we can find a way to bring the subconscious recording into our awake consciousness, then we will make different choices and will go fluently with the flow of life instead of struggling with life stressors. A big piece of this inner work is to have compassion to ourselves, because when we discover we are doing something unwanted we punish ourselves but this is not the way to be happy and enjoy life.
Most human beings make mistakes in the process of learning our life lessons. If we treat ourselves with love and kindness, we are more likely not to make new mistakes, but what I am saying is not easy to be applied, it needs training and conscious efforts, because we have already learned how to judge ourselves and we need to change these bad habits and behavioral patterns. When we continue to do the same old things, which are not beneficial for us any more, we cannot grow up and evolve. The habit is our second nature but it is also a matter of training. So we can train ourselves to attain new favorable habits that will bring us happiness and well being. So how can we be more happy and eliminate our daily stress?
If you want to be in peace with yourself you can just close your eyes stay calm for a minute or two focused on your center. Then you can open your eyes and appreciate the things and people around you. Be grateful for all you have already attained in your life and recall all good things you have received through your friends, relatives, colleagues or unknown people. It is all about gratitude and I think it is an extremely powerful way of reducing all life stressors and having an abundant and fulfilled life. You can start right now to express gratitude on a daily basis if you want to improve your life. Remember to do it for at least 5 min a day for the next 30 days and see what new things will come into your life.
Category: Stress Management