3 Simple Steps to Help Women Deal with Stress

In this article you are going to learn about the 3 simple steps, which every woman can take to reduce stress on a daily basis. Reducing stress will help you improve your health and energy levels, meet and work with more influential people and live a happier and more fulfilled life. If you apply these stress-releasing methods every day, you will see what is best for you to get certain results. Practicing even one of them regularly will lead to guiding your life into more positive and joyful direction.

 1. Increasing Your Awareness.

Awareness is knowledge or understanding of an issue, subject, situation. There are women who have struggles in their business even though they do what is their passion. They battle stress and fight with different issues, but cannot see how to shift that and cease that infinite struggle. Some women have struggles in their relationships and finally they feel very alone and abandoned. Nevertheless some women have attained success in life, they do not feel well and know that something is missing. When women are stressed, worried and overwhelmed, they want to know how to overcome this, but usually seek the answers outside themselves instead of within. If all this resonates with you, you are not alone. Just enjoy the club!

I have passed through such situations in my life, so I know what it feels like. I wanted to get answers on my own, so I read a lot of books and listened to many audio recordings to be able to find out what is helpful for me. I really had a hard time in discerning what was good for me and what was not. It was a process of knowing myself better and better. I got to the state, when I was so stressed and overwhelmed, but I finally was able to shift my life. . The turning point was, when I asked myself whether I want to depend on external factors and be affected by things coming from outside instead of listening to my inner voice and doing what was for my highest good. As soon as you get this direct connection inside yourself, you will be guided to the right people, places, circumstances and situations and you will not lose time, efforts and recourses to find out what is right for you. I have already accessed this inner knowledge and I am sure that my answers are my truth and there is no coincidence in my life.

2. Making Good Choices.

Choice means the right or opportunity of taking or not taking action. There are always choices we have to make in our life. We choose and attract with the energy and frequency at which we are at every moment the situations, events and persons we interact with that, create our reality. And our frequency depends on the thoughts and feelings we have and the actions we choose to do. So, I did a very serious inner work on observing and selecting my thoughts and thought patterns, my beliefs and belief systems, also analyzing the situations in which I am evolved and the people I communicate with as a mirror of my inner states and aspects, and at some point I became more aware of my inner world, but I did not fully trust this complex process at the beginning.

Of course, after years of practice and training, I finally found out from my own experience how the Law of attraction act and was given signs along the way guiding me to new horizons. Over all these years following my inner voice was for me the key in making good choices and decisions and doing the right things in my life journey. So I reduced my stress levels on a daily basis and started to live more fulfilled and enlightened life.

Women should know, that if they have fears and uncertainty in themselves this will affect all areas in their life. You always have the choice to face fears and get rid of them instead of doing nothing. Most women are waiting to learn enough about stress and stress management in order to take action, but if you do not do anything right now, the change may never come. Therefore, take the first steps to move forward. The long journey toward your true self always starts with one first step and is comprised of many small steps.

3. Paying Attention to the Meaning you Give to People and Situations in Your Life.

When you set up your intention to start your journey of self-improvement and become more aware of your thoughts, feelings and actions, the Universe begins to support you. You will be surprised how all needed people, situations and resources show up at the right time in your life.  People and situations around us are not bad or good by themselves; it is our attitude that makes them negative or positive and when all this is not only mentally, but also emotionally charged, things go in the way they are directed consciously or unconsciously by us.

I intend to be only an observer in different situations without judging, assessing, putting labels, but it is not so easy as it is supposed to be. Because we are all wired up to models, paradigms and behavior patterns from our childhood and educational system, we tend to see mainly the bad things and shortcomings everywhere that is why we are mainly attracting failures. We react in such way that we play in fact the role of a victim in life instead of seeing the opportunities for development and growth in every situation; keep in mind that you are frustrated only by the meaning that you assign alone to every situation in life. Remember that you are a conscious human being you have free will, so you always have the choice to create, recreate and change anything in your life and you can act depending on what you see or what meaning you put on situations, peoples and all things that you attract here and now.

How can you make these things applicable on a daily basis?

It is easier to describe a tip than to do it but if you want to see how it works for you, you have to be committed to do it every single day and to observe the effects from it. That will help you change your attitude to everything and live a healthy and happy life.


1. Dedicate 10 min daily to yourself. Just sit quietly, relax and listen to the silence within yourself.

2. Breathe deeply for a minute or two. Just sit comfortable trying to hear the voice of your intuition.

3. Train your awareness by observing the way you seat, breathe, speak. Pay attention to your body position in the room, also to your movements and gestures – try to calm down your mind and body.

4. Begin your day in such way and see how it will unfold.

5. Make this a daily routine and do it for at least 21 d successive days for better results.

Now it is time for you to act, so start to do this simple tip consciously every day – preferably this should be first thing you do in the morning. At least once a day sit quietly with the intention to be more aware, awake and present here now. Observe the flow of your consciousness and learn to watch your thoughts without judging or criticizing them; then notice your body position – how you are sitting in the chair; also observe your breathing, breathe consciously and focus on each inhale and exhale. Breathing in and out, calm down and let go off all your thoughts and emotions in a simple and gentle way. Do this daily routine for 21 successive days and see how more fun and joy will enter your life.

You can read more relevant information in my eBook "How to practice the lesson of BYBV". You can download the eBook for free right now!
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Category: Stress Management