5 Things Women Can Do To Avoid Daily Stress Triggers
In this article you will find the top 5 things, which women can do in order to handle the daily stress and cope with difficult situations in life. I spent many years in the fitness industry working with different people.Finally, I was able to discover why some people could eat everything they wished without gaining weight and why some other people could find the perfect job for them without really looking for it or without making any efforts to get it. If all this sounds familiar to you and you have asked yourselves similar questions, I hope you would read some helpful guidelines below, which are coming from my own experience.
I was observing such lucky people for some time and at some point I asked myself, “What do they do in a different way to be happy in life and how can I have the same good results in my life, the same inner peace, self-control and the ability to stay on the flow”? And I said to myself, “Let me try something new”. There are facts that most of the hardworking, well educated and talented women are afraid of losing their job in competition with younger people. Most women are also self sabotaging their dreams and blocking everything they want, hindering the blessings that are coming their way. Have you ever felt like that? I know you have. I know this is quite often to allow negativity in ourselves and then wondering why we do not succeed in life. I have been experiencing such things for many years.
For a long time now I have been following the personal development path and working to reduce my fears and any kind of stress in my daily activities. I first started by reading books and listening to cassette tapes on how to improve my life. I passed many courses and trainings, Internet webinars, etc. I completed the entire Silva Method training and had two meditations in Alpha level daily. I began to focus more frequently on my daily activities taking the guidance of my life in my hands: moment by moment, hour by hour and day by day. So from all my practical experience I have found out that some approaches and practices are more suitable for some people than for the other, because we are all unique and with different requirements. I also understood for myself what specific things to do in order to be on the flow in perfect synchronicity and well being. And here I can offer you some tips for more fulfilled and happier life:
1. You don’t have to be perfect.
Women want to be perfect in every area of life and they usually struggle when things go wrong. We all have beliefs and expectations of how things in life should be. We create our own views and ideas of:
– what our life path should be;
– how we should look like;
– how we should do our jobs;
– how our home should look like;
– how we should deal with our family and closest friends, etc.
When life goes in a different direction than we have expected, we feel betrayed and exhausted, stressed and overwhelmed. Life is never as perfect and ordered as it is supposed to be because of the lessons we must learn from its challenges.
2. You don’t have to know all answers.
Nobody knows all answers at all times.. Life is dynamic. Living in abundance and being on the flow is not easy to be attained, but it is easy to be followed. Everyone have their own inner guidance, especially in situations and times of difficulty and this is mainly executed through their intuition. When you calm your mind and stop the inner dialogue with yourself, you can listen to that quiet voice within. And that is your Real Self speaking about your own life.
You have an intuition and inner knowledge. This is available to us all but we usually ignore it. Your intuition knows the needed answer and what is best for you right now. So, enjoy the present moment and live here now. Living a peaceful life free of stress and fears is the greatest success in life and it helps you not to control but enjoy your life journey and have a remarkable advance. Remember, it is so simple: be present here now as you are, because in fact, you are great and magnificent just the way you are.
3. You don’t have to be already successful.
Start with the changes right now at the present moment. Let go of the past and don’t think about the future. Success in life is right here with you: you are a born winner. Success allows you to be happy because it means that you have already achieved something you have desired and planned before. And happiness allows you to be successful, because it prepares you for future steps and undertakings.
Every woman is unique, so every woman has her own expectations, limitations, background and notions for success and happiness. Different people believe in different things and see them in a different way. Success, respectively happiness, can be achieved and experienced everywhere in life. Success in the area of prosperity gives us financial freedom and independence. It also helps us to support our family and parents. Successful relationships and partnerships are another area for success – in fact it is all a woman dreams about to be happy. Stable and well paid job gives us a better self image, self confidence and self-esteem. The good family life and many friends are things we all want in our lives.
4. You have to be clear and focused on what you want.
Not being crystal clear of what you want or on what to focus your time and resources, brings more anxiety and anger into life. Life gets more complicated and you feel you are losing control over it. You play the role of a victim in life and soon you become unhappy and tired of everything. Without having a clear plan that takes you where you want to be, you become very exhausted. It is as if you travel without having a map and you do not know how to go from point A to point B.
5. You have to organize your life and prepare your time schedule.
Time management means self management and self-regulation. Feeling like there is never enough time during the day, not knowing what priorities to set, feeling overwhelmed and constantly being distracted and interrupted is exhausted and boring. The proper time management will give you more free time for yourself and for having fun with friends and family members. Time management means control over all areas in your life and living at peace.
How to stay on track?
Here is a very powerful technique which I often use to stay on the flow. It is simple and it really works. Do you know that fear, stress and life mastery are interconnected? More fear means more stress and more efforts to control. And the first things you can do to bring back your fluency in life is to eliminate fear using breathing exercises. Deep breathing eliminates fear in a very natural way.
Here is your action plan for the next 30 days.
Take a deep breath in while counting to 3 then breathe out for another 3 counts. Do this for at least 5 min 2 times daily, preferably early in the morning and just before going to sleep – it will help you to calm down your mind and overcome every obstacle in your life.
When to start practicing?
Now is the right time. Start to do the deep 3 in -3 out breathing exercise twice a day for the next 30 days – mark them on your calendar. You can also use this breathing technique every time you feel out of balance throughout the day.
Wish you success and it will be great if you share your experiences and results with me.
Category: Stress Management