5 Simple Stress-reducing Devices That Can Be Applied Efficiently in Women’s Life
It is very useful and healthy to think about what makes you happy and relaxed when you are under stress. That is an easy way to improve your heath and mood, be able to rest enough during the day and feel satisfied at the end. The other simple devices, which I offer you below, will bring your energy back and you will be in a good shape throughout your busy day. If you practice these helpful techniques you will have a better and happier life.
After years of research how to cope with my own stress triggers I found out what works best for me. I am going to share with you those most powerful little tips that helped me deal with the difficulties in life and I am sure they will work for you too.
1. Maintaining a daily routine.
The most important thing for you to face stressful situations is to have and follow a daily routine: It will help you to deal with your stressors throughout the day.
2. Having enough sleep.
The second important thing is to make efforts to feel good by having enough and good sleep, nourishment, rest, physical exercises and walks outdoors. Feeling good inside makes you look healthy and attractive outside no matter the way you are made up and dressed. Of course, women pay attention to their appearance, they want to look and feel perfect. Most human beings are attracted by one’s energy, so when you succeed with overcoming the obstacles in life, you will also succeed as a woman both in your professional and personal life. Being relaxed and in vibrant health gives you a kind of charisma, thus you can influence positively just by your presence the people around you as well as the circumstances you invite to your life.
3. Go shopping.
One of the best and quickly ways to bring your energy back is to do what you like, for example, to go window-seeing and shopping: it is the so called shopping therapy. Occasional shopping works for almost every woman. When you feel stressed and you have no time to embrace your own needs it is a good decision to give yourself a present, to buy something new especially for you. The act of shopping in its core brings positive emotions, joy and fun. It may not be an expensive gift but only the thought that you are doing something for yourself by buying this nice yellow T-shirt, for example, or this simple silver ring raises your energy up and you feel better and happier than before.
4. Meeting friends.
Another thing you can do when you have difficulties in life is chatting with friends, and especially with the women you know from your childhood. All women like to socialize by talking with friends and meeting their relatives frequently. We need to chat while drinking coffee or walking around, so as to explain how we have spent our time and give advice to each other because it is our nature to be sociable. We trust other women and share with them our experiences about life, family, children, books, movies, magazines, houses etc. in a gentle and non persistent way. We are wired to this attitude of sharing our thoughts and the things we do with our friends and relatives by our family, education, etc.
We enjoy sharing our news and problems with others especially with women, because that resonates with our social habits and patterns of communication, incl. asking for, receiving to ask and giving opinions and advice, which really helps us orientate, be on the flow and feel supported, worthy and good enough to take care of all things we deal with in our life. We seek for approval in almost everything we do, because we live in this almost entirely masculine world that gives us many challenges and increasing requirements and stress day by day.
Talking, expressing our views and beliefs, and sharing with others have the great power of being socially integrated. It gives us that network support we need especially in stress-filled situations. Therefore, we should be grateful for every single advice and support we get from the collective consciousness. Expressing our gratitude is what will attract more abundance, joy and harmony into our life.
We create our destiny by dealing with our challenges and problems, so especially when we are stressed and overloaded, we really need a friend’s shoulder to feel supported, loved, appreciated and worthy. Our self-esteem and respect will automatically make us feel better and will enable us to see new perspectives and find the right solutions.
5. Having a massage.
And finally I will tell you my favorite device, which I use on a regular basis and it helped me many times when I was jobless and confused. I have in mind the classical massage as a simple, but very effective way of stress reduction. The massage in its various forms reduces stress in our body in a very natural and simple way. It stimulates the neurons in the skin and brings all negative emotions out; it also excites the lymphatic system and cleans the body cells. We feel rejuvenated and energized or relaxed after taking a massage. It brings our wellness back into the physical body and we look and feel much better after having a massage or a course of massages.
Remember it is not a good idea to rush into the office after such a treatment. You need more time to take in the positive effects in relaxation, so it is preferable to let go of all your thoughts and triggers of the daily stress. I recommend you to take a massage only after work, or in the weekends to be able to get rid of all the weekly stress.
So do all these simple tips work?
Here I can propose an action plan for you aiming at your wellness and your harmonized and balanced every day being.
- Choose one of the devices, mentioned in this article.
- Determine the most convenient time for you to do it and note it on your calendar.
- Do it in a devoted and cheerful way and observe the changes you feel.
It is time for you now to act and do what is takes to manage your stress in a simple and gentle way. And it is worth making these efforts, because it will improve your life considerably and will allow more time and space for yourself and your well being. So I think over what you want to do to let go of all negative emotions and thoughts, and replace them with positive ones. Ask yourself what is best for you to do and listen to the answer that will come from your inner self in one or another way (in words, thoughts, verses, songs, images, symbols, etc.). Write the whispers of your inner self on a piece of paper and set a proper time to do it. Then go and do it. You are welcome to share your results and comments here.
Category: Stress Management